Garda Westmanstown Gaels GAA are launching a weekly lotto. This gives participants the opportunity to enter for a jackpot of €2,000 with a weekly increase of €200 per week, if not won. This is a fundraiser for all. The first draw is on Sunday 12th November and will be weekly thereafter.
We have a range of options to choose from and you can take a look here: https://www.gardawestmanstowngaels.com/draws, there are choices to suit everyone, and with the possibility of a pre-xmas windfall for one player, with a bit of luck It could be you - but as the saying goes - ‘If you’re not in, you can’t win!’
As announced by Club Treasurer, Peter Foran at the night for Declan Jennings, Garda Westmanstown Gaels have plans for the future to help strengthen the club for everyone’s enjoyment. Not least, is the plan for a changing rooms’ development in our home grounds of Jerome Twomey Park to replace the well-used cabins.
The club has been active in applying for sports capital grants and has recently been granted outline planning permission for this development.
Your support for this new club initiative is greatly appreciated, So we would like to wish the very best of luck to all our weekly participants.
The 2023 Club Executive